This blog post was originally published on March 1st 2018. It has been updated to include new information about getting back on financial track after a divorce.
You’ve barely absorbed the decision to divorce and already everything has changed. Suddenly, you’re in charge of everything: kids, house, money…
It can all feel overwhelming, even paralyzing. Simple financial tasks like paying bills can suddenly feel impossible to manage.
When you’re faced with so many unanswered questions like “Can I afford to stay in the house? Will the child support be enough? Will I lose my health insurance?” the stress and fear can take over. And that can knock your finances even further off track.
There are some steps you can take now to get yourself back on a good financial track after divorce, starting with the way you deal with your current financial situation.
New Financial Facts
Along with everything else that’s changing, your financial situation is changing, too.
During your marriage you may have handled all of the finances…split financial duties…or focused on everything but money issues.
All of that responsibility is yours now, and even if you did manage the money before, you’ll have more to figure out – and that starts with facing some unpleasant new financial facts:
- Your divorce will probably take longer and cost more than you expect.
- Pulling apart your finances can take both a monetary and emotional toll.
- Regardless of your married financial situation, money will be tighter now, and that may force a change in your lifestyle.
Facing these financial realities head-on will help you navigate them more smoothly. If you can put the financial issues in a “business box” and treat them like other business transactions, you’ll have better control over their outcome. (I know it’s really hard to switch your mindset like that, but it can really make a positive difference in your post-marriage finances.)
Break It Down
Looking at your finances as a whole can be paralyzing – so don’t do that. Start small, and focus on just one thing at a time.
Accomplishing a few small tasks every day – like paying one bill and verifying your checking account balance – sets your brain on a different path. That can help stop the swirling panicky thoughts and keep you out of crisis mode, making it easier to do some more small tasks tomorrow.
Is Your Ex Hiding Money?
If you think there’s even a possibility that your ex could be hiding money, consult a forensic accountant. These professionals specialize in tracking down hidden income and assets – and those can make a huge difference when it comes to a fair financial settlement and calculating child support.
Know What You Want
Before you head into any negotiations, make a wish list of everything you want your agreement to cover. On the financial front, include what you’ll need to start off and maintain financial fitness (like whether you’ll need alimony, and how the kids’ medical bills will be paid).
With a clear and complete list, you can be sure nothing you need covered will fall through the cracks. Being prepared like this can also help take some of the emotion out of negotiations. And when you feel like you might agree to anything just to get out of there, go back to the list – your financial future is on the line.
The Financial Side of Keeping the House
When everything’s falling apart, you and your kids need stability and security. Staying in the house may seem like a good way to provide that, but that emotional comfort could come at the expense of your financial security.
Before you decide to keep the house, take a step back, and consider these important factors:
- How long do you plan to stay there?
- Can you qualify for a mortgage on your own?
- How much does it really cost to live there every month (mortage payment, utilities, yard care, maintenance, etc.)?
- Do you have enough emergency savings to cover large repairs (blown hot water heater, leaking roof)?
- What will you have to give up (alimony? pension payouts?) in order to get the house?
These are just a few of the financial things to consider before you decide to keep the house. (You can find a more detailed discussion about this here.)
Don’t Guilt-Spend On Your Kids
Like many single moms, I’ve guilt-bought my kid extra holiday or birthday gifts…special Amazon movies to make the long car-ride between houses easier…books or toys to help distract them when they were crying about their dad.
It’s hard to say no when your children are suffering the effects of your divorce – but that kind of spending will bust your budget and it won’t make anything better for you or your kids. In fact, guilt-spending can quickly make your situation worse, as credit card bills pile up and stress you out. Then you’ll either need to cut back spending in more critical areas or work more hours to pay the bills, both of which add strain to the household.
Talk to your kids, in an age-appropriate way, about how money works and why you have to make difficult choices (like cutting back on after-school activities) to avoid financial trouble (like not being able to pay the mortgage or rent). When the budget is tight, focus on free activities and rely on your library for everything from books to movies to video games.
Take Charge of Your Finances
During and right after my divorce, I felt vulnerable in a lot of ways, but especially financially. Even though I’m a financial professional, I was overwhelmed by the sudden changes in my life and finances. Trying to earn enough money while caring for a toddler felt impossible (and so did almost everything else).
What got me back on track was making a plan and sticking to it. Getting my finances under control – even though they were far from perfect at first – felt like a win. And staying on top of them was an ongoing victory.
If your financial situation is hard to handle alone, get help. A CPA (or other trusted financial professional) can help you create a livable budget, map out your finances, set up retirement and college funds, and so much more. And while these services probably won’t be free, they’ll end up putting you in a better financial position moving forward.
You can also use my Financial Recovery Workbook to help you get back on track. I wrote this book for anyone who is going through a financial crisis of any sort. However the advice and worksheets in the book are what I used to get my own financial life going again after my divorce, and in other financial crises I’ve survived. I also use everything in this book when I work with clients who are overcoming financial crises of their own.
Click on the link below to find out how the Financial Recovery Workbook can help you get your life back on financial track after your divorce.