by Michele Cagan | Nov 27, 2020 | Owning Your Own Business, Single Mom CPA, You Need to Know This
If you’re ready to apply for PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loan forgiveness, WAIT. As it stands right now, getting forgiveness for your loan could end up costing you more money in taxes. And unlike the super low-interest loan that can be paid back over time, the...
by Michele Cagan | Nov 14, 2020 | Get Help When You Need It, Managing Debt, Owning Your Own Business, Single Mom CPA
Letting it slide can cost you a lot of money You’re crazy busy. Running a business, pursuing your passion, focused on growing your company… and at the same time taking care of your home and family. You mean to deal with all the bookkeeping stuff, but it just keeps...
by Michele Cagan | Oct 22, 2020 | Managing Debt, Protect Your Financial Future, Saving and Investing, Single Mom CPA
Covering your essentials and tackling financially-damaging debt Please Note: This article contains affiliate links. If you click on those links, I may receive compensation. When it comes to managing debt, single moms have extra struggles to deal with....
by Michele Cagan | Oct 7, 2020 | Building a Nest, Do Your Own Taxes, Personal Finance, Protect Your Financial Future, Retirement Planning, Saving and Investing, Single Mom CPA, Uncategorized, You Need to Know This
You need to do this today. Single moms – women in general, actually – are waaayyyyyy behind when it comes to retirement savings. We all have plenty of reasons for this… but when we’re 80 and out of money, those reasons won’t matter at all. So today we are going to...
by Michele Cagan | Sep 1, 2020 | Building a Nest, Protect Your Financial Future, Retirement Planning, Saving and Investing, Single Mom CPA, You Need to Know This
What you don’t know about target-date funds can hurt you Note: This article contains affiliate links. I may receive compensation if you click on them. Thank you for your support. When your to-do list is already a mile too long, it’s tempting to go the easiest ways to...
by Michele Cagan | Aug 14, 2020 | Single Mom CPA, Uncategorized
How I identified those emotional triggers and stopped overspending More than 100 Lego sets live in my house. Dozens of action figures, thousands of Pokemon and Yugioh cards, and plenty of board games keep them company. My son has built, played with, and loved all of...