by Michele Cagan | Jul 21, 2020 | Owning Your Own Business, You Need to Know This
They keep changing the rules – these are the latest Updated September 2020 Back when PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loans first came out, there was a ton of confusion… and there still is. The rules have changed a bunch of times, and there’s legislation floating...
by Michele Cagan | May 9, 2020 | Do Your Own Taxes, News, Owning Your Own Business, You Need to Know This
How to use the money for maximum loan forgiveness Updated September 2020 PPP (Payroll Protection Program) loan confusion has hit hard. Small business owners and self-employed people are scared to use the money the wrong way – but the rules have not been communicated...
by Michele Cagan | Apr 19, 2020 | Building a Nest, Get Help When You Need It, Kids and Money, Making Ends Meet, Managing Debt, Owning Your Own Business, Protect Your Financial Future, Single Mom CPA, You Need to Know This
When you’re a single parent, it doesn’t take much to knock you into a financial crisis. Sudden job loss… flooded basement… a sick or injured child… dozens of things can make you dip into and use up your emergency savings. And those financial setbacks can leave you...
by Michele Cagan | Apr 17, 2020 | Managing Debt, News, Owning Your Own Business
Be ready for the second round of small business money. UPDATED The $350 billion Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is out of money… but millions of small businesses didn’t see a dime. Congress continues to fight over details, but it seems like they’re going to...
by Michele Cagan | Mar 5, 2019 | Do Your Own Taxes, Owning Your Own Business, Single Mom CPA, You Need to Know This
Got tax questions? I have the answers. All of those confusing changes in the TCJA (Tax Cut and Jobs Act) have led to some unexpected outcomes – like teeny, tiny refunds or surprise tax bills. Plus, the forms that were supposed to be “postcard-simple” are confusing...
by Michele Cagan | Jun 5, 2018 | Owning Your Own Business, Single Mom CPA
If you’re a single mom with cash flow issues, you need a way to bring in money fast. Starting a home business can get that job done, but it has to be the right business to work with your life. That can be especially tricky if you Are stuck at home with young kids Have...