by Michele Cagan | Dec 19, 2017 | Making Ends Meet, Managing Debt, Single Mom CPA
Are you a single mom drowning in debt? If debt is blocking your path to personal wealth, you’re not alone. Most single moms – most Americans, actually – have more debt than they can easily handle. This is one time looking at the big picture won’t help. In fact, doing...
by Michele Cagan | Dec 14, 2017 | Making Ends Meet, Managing Debt, Protect Your Financial Future, Single Mom CPA
A few days ago, a single mom friend of mine came to me with a problem: Her credit score kept going down even though she was paying her bills on time. I took a closer look at her situation and diagnosed the problem quickly: Her credit utilization – meaning the amount...
by Michele Cagan | Oct 30, 2017 | Making Ends Meet, Single Mom CPA, You Need to Know This
3 Important Reasons Single Moms Should NOT Use Debit Cards Just a few days ago, my sister’s debit card was stolen. Within three days, the thieves has used it in 16 stores and spent more than $4,000. And because it was a debit card, that money all came straight out of...
by Michele Cagan | Sep 12, 2017 | Get Help When You Need It, Making Ends Meet, Managing Debt, Protect Your Financial Future, Single Mom CPA
Your credit and your financial future are at risk. The Equifax breach is just the latest in a long line, and it’s the worst we’ve experienced… so far. The truth is that your information is out there, it’s vulnerable, and criminals have access. One protective step you...
by Michele Cagan | Sep 11, 2017 | Get Help When You Need It, Making Ends Meet, Protect Your Financial Future, Single Mom CPA
Your personal financial information has been hacked. More than 143 million Americans were made vulnerable by the recent Equifax breach, and you are most likely one of them. That means your Social Security number, birth date, driver’s license data, credit card numbers,...
by Michele Cagan | Sep 5, 2017 | Making Ends Meet, Managing Debt, Single Mom CPA
When you’re trying to borrow money – and that includes applying for credit cards – it pays to know your DTI, or debt-to-income ratio. Your DTI presents a snapshot of what your debt looks like in relation to your income, and it helps lenders – especially mortgage...